
Government and business organizations make critical decisions
all the time.
How should we invest scarce resources to achieve our goals? How
can we best improve performance, growth, or security? How do we
minimize disruptions from organizational changes? What should we do
to defend against threats from competitors, terrorist adversaries, or

Good decisions are necessary for success. Bad decisions - or poorly
executed ones - drain time and money, damage or destroy careers
and companies, and sometimes cause injuries and deaths.

Unfortunately, making GOOD critical decisions is difficult.
Complex trade-offs exist among alternate plans, policies, or investments.
Knowledge of current and future conditions is generally incomplete and
uncertain. Anticipating responses to your decisions from customers,
adversaries and other stakeholders is challenging.

Decision Path helps government and business organizations make and manage critical decisions more effectively.
Our ForeTell® solutions help you organize and apply your available knowledge about key decision factors and dynamics to answer the critical question: "If we make decision X and the world evolves along path Y, what is likely to happen to us?" Equally important, ForeTell helps you track execution results over time, to detect problems quickly and make mid-course corrections to ensure success.

Leverage Your Existing Decision Support Tools.
You already spend money and time building spreadsheets, data warehouses and executive dashboards to calculate ROIs, assess risks, etc. ForeTell solutions consolidate and leverage results from these tools within a single advanced "what-if" framework. ForeTell also produces complete audit trails of your decision processes, promoting team alignment, learning, and continuous improvement.

Bottom line: ForeTell solutions enable you to "test drive" your critical decisions. We can help you minimize risks, maximize likely rewards, and improve quality, confidence and consistency in your decision-making processes.